Helen Neve Helen Neve

New Year Resolutions

The change from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar seems to have been a messy operation, making Britain’s conversion to decimal currency and much of Europe’s change to Euros seem like child’s play.

Pope Gregory XIII eventually managed to introduce the Gregorian Calendar to Catholic states in 1582.  Unsurprisingly this change did not impact on England and her colonies and, as far as Terroir can work out, New Year’s Day continued to be celebrated on 25th March (ie Lady Day or the Feast of the Annunciation), until 1752.  As an aside, Scotland made the change in 1600! 

Would our New Year’s resolutions have been different if made in spring rather than the middle of winter?  Here is our commentary on typical NY resolutions as inspired by the December landscapes of Derbyshire.  We hope to try the same exercise in late March to see if there is a seasonal impact.

Note: we think the image above left is a fox moth caterpillar, very active on a warm December day.

A happy and healthy New Year to all.

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