Helen Neve Helen Neve

Terroir is still at the Allotment

We’re coping with the rhubarb. The crowns are young but obliging.

Terroir’s cookery section thinks that Rhubarb is so sublime that there is nothing to beat a bowl of the stuff lightly cooked and served with a thick, low fat yoghurt (one of the major suermarkets does an excellent organic yoghurt which fits the bill).

Here’s our approach for really fresh, home grown rhubarb:

Chop into regular sized chunks.

Place in a microwaveable bowl with ground ginger to taste, or use crystallised stem ginger for a bit of luxury. Terroir tends not to add sugar: is this the quality of our rhubarb or a taste for masochism? Whatever, it usually works if you picked the best stems in the first place.

Microwave on high for the minimum time you can get away with and still have all chunks just beginning to soften. By the time it’s been left to stand, every chunk should be soft and juicy with many holding their shape.

Serve warm, or cold from the fridge with the aforementioned yoghurt.

Of course, if you don’t like rhubarb as much as we do, you may prefer this recent recommendation from some of Terroir’s friends: chop rhubarb into very thin slices and then throw in the bin.

Please send us your preferred rhubarb recipes.

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